Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Oh that thing we call friendship.

Let's go ahead and start off with this. Did ya read it? Because if you didn't then this entire blog won't make any kind of sense. First, of all Snippy. I am sorry for forgetting about tonight. I really should have known but I've been so bogged down with work it's ridiculous. I mean RIDICULOUS. And on top of that I've have several things to deal with this week. First and foremost today is the 1 year annivesary of my depression starting last year. I never talked about it on here because I never felt the need to. I've gone to therapy and worked the issues out. Granted that some people think that I still need therapy but I will get to that issue in a second. So yea I'm in a good headspace right now but it's just still a constant up hill battle of letting myself know that I can accomplish and do what I know I can. I know that I won't be so negative on myself and actually do something about the depression. Now about the friendships. Let's address ChillTown first. So Will and Boogie are apart of ChillTown and also a part of a bigger group of friends. Lately, there has been a huge dissension in the ranks of these friendships and honestly it's become way to stressful for me. I mean friendships are not supposed to be stressful or involve a whole shit load of baby drama. Because honestly guys that's what it is constant baby drama, fast-forward, rewind and repeat. The only thing is that no one really addresses the issues at the appropriate time. People(myself included) decide to bring the issues up when we are in a more comfortable state and our minds our at ease. This only leads to more baby drama, rinse and repeat. This past weekend I had enough of it. I realized that I am 24 years old and have a whole life ahead of me. There is no need for this drama. Janelle and Erika fully realize this but Boogie and most importantly Will choose to ignore it. Sorry Will but what I said this weekend I fully meant and playing the game of 'I don't remember' won't work with me this time. You've chosen how you would like things to be. You told me, "Unlike you I have no life" and I responded with, "It's not that you don't have a life. It's the way you choose to live it." With that said, I'm done with that friendship for now. Now onto the bestfriend drama. Where to start? I guess you could say we've had this on again off again relationship. And you know what? I will say that I've been very understanding in this friendship because if I really didn't truly care about him, I wouldn't have 1)Let him stay at my house on my birthday because he had a fight with his boyfriend. EVEN THOUGH HE DIDN'T TALK TO ME FOR MONTHS before that. Or the fact that 2) I forgot about two months when I thought he was dead because he decided to ignore everyone because him and his man had huge falling out. I'm a good friend right? I mean he can say the same thing about him being a good friend to me. Which is 150% true. But herein lies the problem: During the second BOTG. He has a huge problem with Ex#2. A huge problem with issues that I have since been over with. Explain to me why, after repeated requests he decides to still bash Ex#2 when he isn't front of Ex#2's bestfriend? Please constant reader explain to me why someone would do that? Then this past friday came around and so did Happy Hour. He asked me what I was doing on Saturday and I told him that I was hanging with J-Boo since it was her birthday. Now you must understand that J-Boo's friends from back home aren't exactly the most homo friendliest group. And you must understand that the bestfriend invited himself before I could even ask J-Boo. Now this isn't the kind of A-list event that Will decided to make it out to be, but I still needed to check with J-Boo because I did, DID NOT want a repeat of How I dropped the New Year's Ball. Now the bestfriend isn't good with groups, which is clearly shown during the BOTG incident so I had to be sure to ask J-Boo first. Then the phone calls started and in the last one it went like this: Me: I haven't talked to J-Boo yet. BF: Maybe she doesn't want you to go. Me: Doubtful, I may have a problem getting you to go. BF: That's fucked up I'll stay home. Then the text messages started: That's fucked up. What? You didn't even let me finish. J-Boo said it was ok, just toned it down. FU and call me when you're back in Therapy.

That was a fucking low blow especially in a fucking text message. I tried not be evil but after awhile I was just pissed. So I wrote back:

Unlike you, I don't need therapy because I know who I am.

And that ended a friendship because I tried to call. I tried to fix things because maybe what I said in the first call came out wrong but no now I'm instantly the bad guy.

This entire week I've been questioning the fact that I'm either a really bad friend or a really forgiving person. I am by no means a saint but I think I'm a pretty damn good friend. I honestly think that what I need to do is started weeding out the bad/negative friendships and concentrate on the positive in my life. Thanks you Snippy because whether you realize it or not, you brought me slightly out of the funk that I was in early today and this week.

And THANK YOU LORD BABY JESUS for finally allowing me to write about what I've been trying to all week.

Tonight: Bobby Bones and The Children's Charity Event sponsored by The Young Execs

Next Week: Kickball, baby!

Three weeks from Now: ACL

Thursday, August 24, 2006

The job that keeps on giving

Today was a very rough day for me work wise. I mean really rough. So yea I started this job less than 3 months ago and my boss quickly realized that she had hired me for a position that I was way to over qualified for. Imagine that. So she started training me as an Assistant Manager so that at some point I could just move to another site that we have. I was fine with that idea plus I was getting a nice raise. You see this is a good thing because I took a huge pay cut from my previous job. So they started training me for this new Assistant Manager position and my trainer was an idiot. Plain and simple, I believe she was on crack. Well she decided to quit one day and the instant my boss found out about this, she offered me the job. Again, another raise. Now I know you're probably thinking, 'How in the world did this happen?'. Well you have to understand the industry I'm in, the company I work for and the fact that I'm a badass. Ok so my boss runs 4 other sites from her office and I have officially become her bitch or as she likes to call it, her right hand man. Now I knew my right hand was good for something or than...nevermind. Well since I'm her bitch assitant I've become very prevy to what's going on at our other sites. People are now calling me with questions instead of her. I'm now doing alot of her work. Which is not a bad thing at all trust me, because she has 4 other sites to run and it is my job as bitch to make sure the job gets done. I love it. Well even after today I love it. I spent well over an hour on the phone with the owner while he was yelling at me. Where's the bitch switch you ask? Well you see even though I wanted to yell at the owner for yelling at me for things that are beyond my control(Having one manager out because of a family emergency and having my boss out due to food poisoning). I didn't. I was so frustrated when the call was done that I wanted to slap someone. Can I get a volunteer? Bren, sit down you got your's for the year. Then he calls back and wants to talk about numbers and profit and blah blah fucking blah. Mind you I kept up with this man the entire time. I was giving him information that I have gathered over the last two months, etc etc. And guess what he was VERY impressed with me. Am I an ass kisser? Absolutely not. Do I tell people what they want to hear sometimes so they will STFU? AbsoFuckingLutely. I'm a bitch I know we've covered this. Well now I'm sitting in the office of another site because the Assistant here had to go because they were filming a scene for 'Friday Night Lights' in her house. Because we all know when Hollywood calls you have to drop whatever you're doing and do what they want. I don't know why I'm bitching cause I would do the same thing. I needed to vent and I did. The end.

Austin ain't that angry.

On the way to BOTG a pedestrian walks in front of J-Boo's car: J-Boo-That fucking idiot! I could have fucking hit him Santi! Me-I know, you should have he's from Mexico anyways.(kidding) After BOTG we are driving to the airport and a car cuts us off: J-Boo-Motherfucker!! I swear to FUCKING GOD that no one in this city can drive. Me-Hence, why I don't drive After the Airport we get off again.: J-Boo-I could have fucking rear-ended that fucking idiot. What the fuck was he thinking? Me(scared for my life)-I Dunno. Apparently J-Boo hasn't read THIS. Austin is rated 81.

Move over Adamo!

I gots a new crush and his name is name is Mario Vasquez. He sings a little song called Gallery. Man, is this guy fine! And I wonder...doesn't he look a little like my boy Adamo?

Blues on the Green: The Fourth and Final.

Well BOTG is over and I must say it ended on a very well note. Double Trouble played or atleast I think that's what there name was. 'Bob' told me it was Stevie Ray Vaughn's band. I was like, 'ok' because honestly I don't to blues on the green for the artist. I go to be with my friends, listen to whatever band is playing and just relax. Yea, that's right I like to relax...Sometimes. Good Times, Good Friends, Good Food. I want to mention that beer is good. Beer is really good. Big Boy likes beer. With that said, I got to J-Boo's yesterday and to my surprise her lovely boyfriend made us dinner. Now not just any dinner but a nice meal of spaghetti , salad and garlic bread. I thought I died and went to Degrassi heaven because this is like my favoriate meal ever. I had this amazing glass of wine that even words can't describe and before I knew it, it was time to head off to BOTG. Snippy, 'Bob' and Mr. Bob showed up shortly after we arrived and we were all talking about the excitement of Team Ramrod's first game. The girls are going to wear pig tails and halter tops. Me, well I'm going to wear really short shorts and tube socks. I am going to look hot. Now I know you're thinking that I'm think that I'm going to look all hot and sexy like I normally do. But no that is not that case, I am going to look hot as in a flaming homosexual. Who cares? The point of kickball is to have fun and that's what I'm going to my Daisy Dukes. So over the course of BOTG, 'Bob and Snippy told me about their recent sacrafice and man did I tease the fuck out of them. All I'm going to say is, "Ladies what time is it?" And I mean I totally wouldn't be able to make the sacrafice they did unless I was married to Mr. Bob. Man if I was married to Mr. Bob I would like totally do whatever he said because that man is THAT fine. After we left BOTG and J-Boo's man at work. J-Boo and I went to go meet up with an old friend, Sarah and her sister. And guess what? They totally had dinner made for us. So I got to eat for the 14th time that day. And guess what else? No they didn't have Jager Bombs but they did make Cosmos and man was I in HEAVEN. I mean who can beat a steak and a Cosmo. No one. With the night ending I said good-bye to BOTG and for the most part my summer. But the true end of the summer is ACL which is less than a month away and I can't freaking wait. Let's hope with my recent torture Snippy won't go and sell the tickets to someone else. If she did that it would drive me to drinking and well we don't want that now do we? Lastly, For those of you wondering what the hell my deal is with mentioning alcohol alot in this Blog. Well the two indivuals involved will get what it means. The rest of you will have to sit and wondering if I've become a raging alcoholic-which by the way I haven't.

Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Where the hell did this summer go?

Seriously, where did the summer go? BOTG: The Fourth and Final, is tonight. On the suggested guest list is: J-Boo and her man, 'Bob' and Snippy. I'm gonna check with Ex#2 to see if he wants to go but it's doubtful since he is so freaking busy with his new job...and his new boyfriend. When I checked my email today I got an email from good ol' Snippy reminding me of BOTG and I was like, 'Wow, it's already coming to the end of the summer.' and then I began to think about the fact that this summer has been so calm and normal compared to last year. Like I mean the only really interesting story I have is about Sean Little and Mr. Married-Guy-Who-Sleeps-With-EVERYONE-Including-Tara-Reid. And the sad thing is, that's not even my story, it's Sean's. This past Summer, Emma and 'Bob' joined Blogger and thank god they did cause now I have more to read. OH and HOW in the WORLD can I forget about the wedding of the century.('Bob' Got Married) Other than that this summer has been pretty freaking dull. I mean I don't have the flare for Big Brother that I used to. I mean this show is so freaking dull...but I still love it and always long as Janey goes all the way. Boring blog? Yes, I know because apparently now I'm boring. WTFEVER BREN.

Tuesday, August 22, 2006

The weekend round-up

Trace told me that I didn't write enough yesterday so here is this weekend in a jist. Friday: Juan and I went out for Happy Hour. Jaime showed up. Cute boy was checking me out. Had a nice buzz going. Gave him my number. Somehow decided to purchase homemade jager bombs and beer. Went swimming. Got way to drunk. BB and RT showed up. For some random reason, I got up and slapped BB. Fell asleep. Saturday happened. Sunday Went to get lunch at Subway and Juan magically shows up. I suspect he is stalking me or he wanted a free lunch. Watched hours upon hours of Degrassi. I love Adamo, I really do. Trace and Amanda come over for BB. Luis calls cause it's Adrian's Birthday. Meet Adrian, Luis, Ex#2, Bobby, Rigo and Rome at RCC. Feel really old because everyone needs to go home to go to work. Get back home and watch more Degrassi. Sleep and dreamt about ADAMO.

Monday, August 21, 2006

Austin is getting way to small for me.

Ok, it's true the gay community is a small community at that. I just wish that sometimes, just sometimes it wasn't so freaking small. This past Saturday I just wanted to slap someone because of the random coincidences. Things went down like this: Decided to go out with Juan Get to Halcyon and run into Sarah(a friend from Dirty Diana). It was her birthday so it was good to see her out. Then we went to Fabric and ran into Connie, who is Luis' friend from high school and the arch nemesis of my old roomate, Chase. Now if this couldn't get any wierder, we ran into Rox and Oilcan's and she was with a friend of her's. Her soon to be roomate. Now I thought the guy she was moving in with was this guy. Nope wrong. The guy was different client of mine, a client that I thought STRAIGHT. I was dumbfounded. I wanted to slap myself. So I slapped Jaun.

Thursday, August 17, 2006

People, Alert the media!

I've been sick for the majority of this week. Nothing big has happened this week since Monday and trust me on Monday I wrote ALOT. Sorry that I'm being boring this week.

Monday, August 14, 2006

Adamo, will you Marry me?!?!

He is so fucking fine, I can't even explain in words how much I am in awe with this boy: He's on Degrassi, FYI and I'm planning on moving to Canada to marry him and have his babies.

What I would do if I was an Angel.

Cyanide and Happiness, a daily webcomic Cyanide & Happiness @ I love this site!!

Sean has a sister.

So over at Myspace Tracy has been talking about Sienna Little, Sean's older 'Oh so Pretty' sister. Here's the two stories so far: Meet Sienna Little. So, Sienna Little has a burning tingling feeling on her ear. Not the lobe and not on the inside. At the top of her ear in the cartlidge. So she's been tugging on this ear for days because it's been bugging the heck out of her. She's finally decided to do something about it, go to the doctor you ask?? Oh no, she's decided to have it pierced. She's soooooo pretty!!! Attack of the Killer Frogs. Sienna heads home and arrives in her driveway and is about to step out of her car when she see this huge frog. Those who don't know Sienna don't know her unexplainable fear of frogs. Now to hear her tell the story this frog was at least 2 feet wide and a foot high with giant teeth and a really mean look in his eyes. She wants to put her car in the garage but is afraid that when she gets out and opens up the garage that this beast will hop on in to the garage where it can kill her. She's panicked and still really needs to pee. Not knowing what to do, she starts off by pounding her foot on the ground, to no avail. She decided that she needs to go check her mail anyway (yeah right) so she leaves and goes to her mailbox. She comes back extremely paranoid that this alien from another planet was seriously gunning for her. Luckily, he had moved on to terrify others. She was finally able to get inside her house and pee (for the next 3 hours) Whew!!!! So, watch out people there are killer frogs on the loose and they are coming for YOU!!! Sienna is so pretty. It's not even funny. Ok, well it's funny but I love her and atleast she's not slutty like her brother Sean. What has that boy been up to lately?!?

Santi: The Drama Magnet

I tell, my life is this whole magnet of drama. Things are calm for awhile and then out of nowhere all this crazy shit happens. I fully expect I will be in for more drama soon. Here's why: Rox, is a friend of J-Boo's, she's a friend of mine too. Well this Saturday she and J-Boo came over(along with RT, Tracy, Bren, and Senor Bacardi). The first thing she does after giving me a hug is say, "So I'm getting a new roomate" I'm like, "Ya, and?" "You know him" she says. Great. JUST FUCKING GREAT. "Really?", I ask. "Yea, you signed him about a month ago", she says. I begin to think about all of the people I've signed and who I don't want to be a roomate of Rox's. Then she tells me it's this guy. Then she tells me that the guy totally has a crush on me. And I told her, That I am totally going to be an ass to him when I see him. The boy has eyebrows of a drag queen. WHY LORD WHY ME?!?!

Saturday, August 12, 2006

Little Miss Sunshine

Seriously, Go see it: Ex#2 and I went to see it. It's probably one of the funniest movies that I have seen this year.

Thursday, August 10, 2006

Blues on the Green: The Third

Here's The First and Second addition of BOTG. Wasn't it your idea in the first place? After last week's 'Hell Week', I knew that this week was going to be even worst. I have the boss from hell in town. The man pays me so I guess I have to do what he says, like haul ass to the store to find the RIGHT brand of popcorn for him. It's cool though, I don't mind. So 'Bob' emails me on Monday asking me about going and I'm like, "Hell ya I'm going I need something to get me through this week!' So yesterdays comes around and I call 'Bob' like 800 times and I think that's she has to be dead because why else would she miss out on BOTG? Emma, had this really long story to tell me as to why she could go, so when I'm done writing this, I'm going to go read Emma's blog. I better get a long story. I get to BOTG with RayJay, J-Boo, Robbie(her boyfriend). It was so relaxing to finally get there because the walk there was killing me. Seriously people what is the deal with this freaking heat? Shortly, after getting there Snippy shows up and I am so glad because she finally gets to meet J-Boo. Snipps finally got to meet a member of Team Ramrod(or Team Drunkies, as we dubbed it last night). The entire BOTG was really relaxing and it's too bad 'Bob' and Emma didn't go. There were hot men everywhere, one in particular was wearing just his undies. He actually hit Snippy in the head with a Frisbee. Me: Snippy, a Frisbee is coming. Snippy: Like I was saying... Me: Snippy, Frisbee coming... Snippy: Shut up Santi! Like I was saying... Bam! I wanted to laugh but I couldn't.

Wednesday, August 09, 2006

How I got things as a child.

Cyanide and Happiness, a daily webcomic Cyanide & Happiness @ To 'Bob', Emma, and Snippy: Ya, I'm joining the Cyanide train.

Gizoogle Biatch!

Tracy told me about this website called Gizoogle. You add in a website and it automatically makes it gangsta. Let's sample some different websites. My blog: Monday, August 07, 2006 Dirty Diana. Diana is a nigga of Emma's T-H-to-tha-izzat I met a couple of months ago. She is one of tha sweetest thugz thiznat I have ever met n I'm glad Emma introduced us. She's just one of those thugz thizzat you meet n instantly click wit. Well this weekend was her birthday. And we all K-N-to-tha-izzow HOW Mizzle I LOVE BIRTHDAY CELEBRATIONS. Morty's TV 'Big Brother': Tonight's Broadcast in Color on CBS: (A more complete re-cap of tonight's shizzay is available on tha CBS web site baller tha show has aired on tha West coast) Previously on Big Pusha All-Stars: Diane was evicted fizzle tha Big Hustla All-Stars House. The HoH contest ended wit Danielle Winning. At tha nominizzles rhymin' Danielle nominated Janelle n James, tha fiznact that Danielle would nominate James, surprised Janelle. When James key didn't come out of tha box, James was angry, well at least he acted tizzy way ta shot calla tizzle he's aligned wit Danielle, n being used as a pizzay this week. Emma's description on her blog: Where's mah sunrise? Outgo'n, single, witty, smart, sweet, yet bitchy 23 year old female, look'n fo` that spark now motherfuckers lemme here ya say hoe. Yeah Im look'n fo` mah sunrise . Boom bam as I step in the jam, God damn. Wit that being said Im not rapping `bout a signifizzle otha, Im rapping `bout all tha aspects of life. Im ready ta git out of this rut tizzle has existed in mah life fo` tha past three years, Im bustin' ta makes changes fo` tha betta. Th'n have gots ta start doggy stylin' up. It's off the shizzle!!!

Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Welcome to Radford Place.

Marcellas is so going to kill me(That is if he ever meets me in person) but Tracy, Sean Little and I have been talking about 'Radford Place', its a fictional soap Marcellas made up awhile back on Big Brother: All-Stars. Well I was talking to one of my former co-workers about Sundays episode and since I have nothing to blog about, I'm just going to blog about Radford Place. Don't hate me. P.S. Constant Readers, this is my first time trying to write something that is semi-fictional. Bare with me. Previously On Radford Place: Janelle, the Blonde Buxom Bombshell continued her company's take over streak. Janelle threw the poor Diane under the bus, and she got away with the murder but not she didn't keep her hands clean like her former business partners Kaysar, the Iraqi Peach and James, the shady businees partner. James was angered by Janie's decision and he decided that if he got the chance he would team up with Danielle, the Bus driver to kick Janelle out of Radford Place. Danielle just so happened to win millions of dollars right after Diane was kicked under the bus, so this was a perfect time for a Corporate take over. Welcome to Radford Place. All of the Residents of Radford Place wanted the money that their owner Gran Hermano was going to give them. Only one person could win the money, and winning this amount of cash would give one person alot of power for just one week. Many people made bids to Gran Hermano but Danielle showed that she was the true Black Widow and she won millions. But what was she going to do with it, in just one week? During the bidding process Gran Hermano also gave the residents special prizes so they wouldn't feel so bad about not getting the million for just one week. Marcellas, the witty-bitchy gay guy won a buffet pass for Golden Coral. George, the poor janitor has not been getting paid by Gran Hermano for almost two weeks now and he can't eat. Marcellas decided that a nice figure would be better than a cheap buffet so he let George eat for a week in hopes that George would never go after his company. Mike Booger, the shady partner of Dr. Obvious won 10,000.00. Trying not to upset the other residents, Booger decided not to celebrate and he really didn't have a reason to because he makes that in a day with his various business. Now that Danielle has all the money she needs to take over part of the S6 Corporation. She decides that its finally time to get into business with Booger, Dr. Obvious and James. They decide to call their silly corporation The Legion of Doom. The Legion of Dumb is more like it, but hey I don't live in Radford Place. Erika and Marcellas have decided that since they don't any true business deals this week, they will just sit by the pool and wonder what life outside of Radford Place. Erika has been doing this mostly the entire time she has lived at Radford Place so there's no big change there. George has been eating all week at Golden Coral so he's rarely seen around, as is Howie who has been spending so much time in his Jack Shack that nobody even notices he lives there. The poor King Kaysar has been depressed for sometime now and it's in my honest opinion it's because Gran Hermano made him shave his head a few weeks back. Danielle decides to get Janelle removed from the board of directors of the S6 corporation and she must leave Radford Place immediately. She, along with the help of James decide to go forth with the plan. What will happen next on Radford Place? Find out tommorow! I hope you enjoyed my version of Radford Place, and tommorow there is going to be another edition!

Monday, August 07, 2006

Dirty Diana.

Diana is a friend of Emma's that I met a couple of months ago. She is one of the sweetest people that I have ever met and I'm glad Emma introduced us. She's just one of those people that you meet and instantly click with. Well this weekend was her birthday. And we all know HOW MUCH I LOVE BIRTHDAY CELEBRATIONS. After almost getting shot on Friday I decided to text Emma to find out where the Happy Hour was at because I was in a desperate need of a drink. She informed me that they were at the Iron Cactus. What she didn't tell me was that this Happy Hour was a family Happy Hour. I was all nervous because I didn't expect to meet Di's family. Well weren't they just the nicest people in the world. They invited me to dinner at their house the next time, after like knowing me for 5 minutes. Seriously these people were that nice. So the next day I go over there for dinner. Again, Emma forgets to mention that the dinner also consisted of all of the girls getting ready. I hate playing dress-up. I pick something out, put it on and then just wear it. But the ladies had to have the shoes matching the dress, matching the accessories. The make up had to be just right. The hair had to be flawless. I wanted to gouge my eyes out because of the boredom. I got so bored I even let Emma put make up on me. It was supposed to be this amazing make up that you can't even tell is on. It made my face it like crazy for the entire night. IT was horrible. After 8 hours of getting ready we finally headed over to Vicci where we met up with Snippy, 'Bob' and Mr. Antonio Sabato Jr(aka Mr. 'Bob') and the party was really begining to start. That was until I figured out that Vicci was the worst drinks in Austin, and that I was an idiot for paying a cover. The latter I'm not to mad about because it was Di's birthday after all. I decided shortly after recieving the crappy drink that I would just leave and go to Halcyon for 2.00 wells, you know me, I love the cheap drinks. After that I got back to Vicci and realized that I was just not having fun nor was I in the mood to go out. IO had been calling me non-stop and so had RT. So I decided to cab it home. Then all hell broke loose at the Casa Del Santi. Let's just say, if you got, RT, Tracy, Bren, Jaunito, Infamous O, and RayJay things will get a little crazy.

Saturday, August 05, 2006

The kids ain't right.

I have to write a disclaimer before I precede. Honestly, I hate when I have to write disclaimers but this one is actually needed. I'm in no way shape or form a racist, heterophobe or another other sterotype you want to give to a biggoted person. I'm what you would call a "Equal Opportunity Offender". I make fun of everyone because in reality everyone is probably making fun of me. With that said. Infamous O and I went to the mall yesterday, but not just any mall. When went to THE-WORLD'S-MOST-GHETTO-MALL, Highland. At first it wasn't really that bad of an idea because HELLO NO TAXES. Let me tell you constant readers, I went shopping yesterday. I mean balls to the walls kind of shopping. It was fun. I'm supposed to look cute tonight for Diana's(Emma's friend) birthday party and Vicci. There is this hottie they want me to meet. I know I know hook-ups are bad. We'll see. So after the massive amounts I wanted to go to Great American cookie. For what you ask? A cookie, silly. I really wanted a cookie. Then all hell breaks loose, IO grabs me and turns me around and there are these two black girls fighting. I mean pulling weaves out, taking earrings off, 'Oh no she dident' kind of fight. I kept pushing IO back in case things got all crazy. Enter stupid fag: He jumps into the fight and starts hitting one of the girls. Who does that? He's a fucking dude regardless of him taking ding ding up his bum. Enter angry girl with a cane: She starts to hit Stupid Fag with her cane. This is when I was like, 'This is a horrible train wreck and I can't stop watching'. I finally get IO far enough from the fight that we are safe. But the bitches ruined my appetite for the cookie. The kids, I tell ya ain't right.

Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Way too tired to blog.

Ex#1 told this funny joke a long time ago: Fellow class mate walks into group meeting completely exhausted, "Guys" she says, "This is the fucking longest week ever" Ex#1, "How can you say that when it's only Tuesday?" That's exactly how I fucking feel today. Work is well killing me right now and I have no time to write while I'm working. This is a travesty! A TRAVESTY! I tell ya. I'll try to get something good in this week and Sean has informed me that he is going to start a blog of his own called Radford Place. Apparently, ever since he moved to Austin all of these crazy things have been happening in the apartment complex he lives in. I honestly don't believe Sean because that boy has less time than I do. We'll see. Until next weektime.