Wednesday, January 04, 2006

How I dropped the New Year's Ball.

This is for my fans, all 5 of you. Oh and RoB I texted you back. So since ex #2 and Adrian decided not to tell me about the New York trip until way after they bought there tickets I decided to spend New Year's with J-Boo and Bob because his cousin was throwing a New Year's Party. His cousin Nini is the queen of all bitches, I mean I almost want to give her my 'Queen of all the is Bitchy' crown but #### that ####. So onto my story well we got to the party and there was a #### load of people that I didn't know there, all of which I assumed was straight because I didn't want to start the New Year with a bat to my head. So Nini was like "Make yourselves at home, there's beer, jello shots and yager bombs"(all three of my favoriate food groups). So we took shot after shot after shot after shot(you get the point) and I met one of J-Boo's high school friend's who we'll call Ronnie. He was so nice and sweet and commented on my new hat(think Danny from RWA, but cuter) so for a few brief seconds I thought 'well maybe this boy is gay?' and then that thought quickly left my mind when a fight broke out in the bathroom. This is when all hell broke loose, beers were flying everywhere, there was blood. J-Boo was screaming at her boyfriend because she thought he was in the fight but he was only trying to break it up. At this point Ronnie was like "let's go chill in my car until this quiet's down" and I completely took that the wrong way and hit on him. He was shocked, to say the least and I had to continously apologize through out the night. I felt and still feel like a damn fool because normally I'm good with these type of things but this time I just felt like an idiot. I wish I could apologize in person because I seriously think I traumatized that poor boy.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Damn it're holding out on did you hit on him..what did you do..what did you say...what did he say..what did he do? I spent New Years at a casino losing my shirt, but I was there with a cute cop ;) but he's married to my sister so that's off limits ahahha

1/04/2006 10:05:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

oops that was from me -Youth

1/04/2006 10:05:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

OK, (esta bien)... so thanks for coming forward to explain, in part, what happened. BUT we need more, more more more MAS MAS MAS ... Santi.

Ok, was he shocked enough that he jumped up a little? Did he slap you and did you slap him back? Did you come onto him Scarface style... "Say 'ello to my little friend!"? Hehehe.

Santi, let's go grab some beersssss. I drive, of course.

1/05/2006 02:35:00 PM  
Blogger Velvetsaje said...

After we got in his car, I touched his leg and said "what's up?"

he freaked out.

1/05/2006 07:39:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hehehehe (you must have looked cute) ... I would have answered something like... "I was just wondering if it's automatic or stick shift".

Well, if he comes acalling, he now knows what he's in for.

1/06/2006 07:33:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

freaker out how?

1/08/2006 08:21:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mas Mas Mas... where'd are you. Post!

1/10/2006 07:12:00 AM  

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