Giving sports a try.
I haven't talked about SD in awhile, huh? Well that's because he's "married" now and his girlfriend thinks that I hate her, which I don't.
I think that she's just something that I call Santi-ealousy. It's cool, maybe she'll come around soon.
Now everyone knows I don't play sports. J-boo invited to play pool with her one time and I was like, "Ummm I don't play sports"
She laughed because Pool isn't technically a sport but more of a past time or something like that.
With that being said, I've decided to give kickball a try. Thanks to Snippy. I love her by the way. Have I mentioned that? No I don't think I have but I do. I'm so glad that I was so obsessed that I joined the message board and met Emma and Cat. Through Emma I've met Diego and Di and through Cat I got to meet Snippy and HWSNBN.
So back to the whole sports thing:
Well yesterday SD and I played Disk Golf for the 3rd time. I like this sport. Why, you ask? Well I get to hang out with SD who is like the brother I never had. He brings out the straight side of me, that is if there is a straight side. On top of getting to hang out with SD, I get to go outdoors-which I love. I get to drink beer and spit.
It's great, and as soon as SD sends me the pics I'll post them.
Happy B-day shout out goes to Bren who turns 54 today(no really she is 54 years old).
Enjoy your weekend, I know I will.
I thought I brought out the straight in you; I'm very macho-like; I swim, bicycle, run......
Thanks for the b-day shout out sweet-P!! Ya know, sometimes I wonder if I'm 54 myself!! Tee hee!! BUT after this past weekend, I have realized I sure as hell am not!!!! Thanks for being there with me babe, it meant a lot to me!!! Love ya!!!
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