Monday, August 14, 2006

Santi: The Drama Magnet

I tell, my life is this whole magnet of drama. Things are calm for awhile and then out of nowhere all this crazy shit happens. I fully expect I will be in for more drama soon. Here's why: Rox, is a friend of J-Boo's, she's a friend of mine too. Well this Saturday she and J-Boo came over(along with RT, Tracy, Bren, and Senor Bacardi). The first thing she does after giving me a hug is say, "So I'm getting a new roomate" I'm like, "Ya, and?" "You know him" she says. Great. JUST FUCKING GREAT. "Really?", I ask. "Yea, you signed him about a month ago", she says. I begin to think about all of the people I've signed and who I don't want to be a roomate of Rox's. Then she tells me it's this guy. Then she tells me that the guy totally has a crush on me. And I told her, That I am totally going to be an ass to him when I see him. The boy has eyebrows of a drag queen. WHY LORD WHY ME?!?!


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