Austin is getting way to small for me.
Ok, it's true the gay community is a small community at that. I just wish that sometimes, just sometimes it wasn't so freaking small. This past Saturday I just wanted to slap someone because of the random coincidences.
Things went down like this:
Decided to go out with Juan
Get to Halcyon and run into Sarah(a friend from Dirty Diana). It was her birthday so it was good to see her out.
Then we went to Fabric and ran into Connie, who is Luis' friend from high school and the arch nemesis of my old roomate, Chase.
Now if this couldn't get any wierder, we ran into Rox and Oilcan's and she was with a friend of her's. Her soon to be roomate. Now I thought the guy she was moving in with was this guy. Nope wrong. The guy was different client of mine, a client that I thought STRAIGHT. I was dumbfounded. I wanted to slap myself.
So I slapped Jaun.
Slapping BB on friday night, I would have thought you had gotten it all out of your system...guess not.
Yeah, well, I will be reminded of that incident everytime I even hear that word from now on!!!!
Thanks Sweet-P!! :-(
I still love ya tho'!!:-)
"I wanted to slap myself"
"So i slapped Juan"
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