Monday, August 14, 2006

Sean has a sister.

So over at Myspace Tracy has been talking about Sienna Little, Sean's older 'Oh so Pretty' sister. Here's the two stories so far: Meet Sienna Little. So, Sienna Little has a burning tingling feeling on her ear. Not the lobe and not on the inside. At the top of her ear in the cartlidge. So she's been tugging on this ear for days because it's been bugging the heck out of her. She's finally decided to do something about it, go to the doctor you ask?? Oh no, she's decided to have it pierced. She's soooooo pretty!!! Attack of the Killer Frogs. Sienna heads home and arrives in her driveway and is about to step out of her car when she see this huge frog. Those who don't know Sienna don't know her unexplainable fear of frogs. Now to hear her tell the story this frog was at least 2 feet wide and a foot high with giant teeth and a really mean look in his eyes. She wants to put her car in the garage but is afraid that when she gets out and opens up the garage that this beast will hop on in to the garage where it can kill her. She's panicked and still really needs to pee. Not knowing what to do, she starts off by pounding her foot on the ground, to no avail. She decided that she needs to go check her mail anyway (yeah right) so she leaves and goes to her mailbox. She comes back extremely paranoid that this alien from another planet was seriously gunning for her. Luckily, he had moved on to terrify others. She was finally able to get inside her house and pee (for the next 3 hours) Whew!!!! So, watch out people there are killer frogs on the loose and they are coming for YOU!!! Sienna is so pretty. It's not even funny. Ok, well it's funny but I love her and atleast she's not slutty like her brother Sean. What has that boy been up to lately?!?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

What has he been up to lately?? Thanks for the shout out babe!!


8/14/2006 06:49:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yeah beotch ~ I am STILL thinkin' 'bout piercin' it!! Why not?!?!! It's not like I'm gonna die or somethin'!! I'll be sure to have ya with me when I do it to, ya know, in case I need an emergency contact!! :-)

Sienna Little

8/15/2006 10:48:00 PM  

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