Dirty Diana.
Diana is a friend of Emma's that I met a couple of months ago. She is one of the sweetest people that I have ever met and I'm glad Emma introduced us. She's just one of those people that you meet and instantly click with.
Well this weekend was her birthday. And we all know HOW MUCH I LOVE BIRTHDAY CELEBRATIONS.
After almost getting shot on Friday I decided to text Emma to find out where the Happy Hour was at because I was in a desperate need of a drink. She informed me that they were at the Iron Cactus. What she didn't tell me was that this Happy Hour was a family Happy Hour. I was all nervous because I didn't expect to meet Di's family. Well weren't they just the nicest people in the world. They invited me to dinner at their house the next time, after like knowing me for 5 minutes. Seriously these people were that nice.
So the next day I go over there for dinner. Again, Emma forgets to mention that the dinner also consisted of all of the girls getting ready. I hate playing dress-up. I pick something out, put it on and then just wear it. But the ladies had to have the shoes matching the dress, matching the accessories. The make up had to be just right. The hair had to be flawless. I wanted to gouge my eyes out because of the boredom. I got so bored I even let Emma put make up on me. It was supposed to be this amazing make up that you can't even tell is on. It made my face it like crazy for the entire night. IT was horrible.
After 8 hours of getting ready we finally headed over to Vicci where we met up with Snippy, 'Bob' and Mr. Antonio Sabato Jr(aka Mr. 'Bob') and the party was really begining to start. That was until I figured out that Vicci was the worst drinks in Austin, and that I was an idiot for paying a cover. The latter I'm not to mad about because it was Di's birthday after all. I decided shortly after recieving the crappy drink that I would just leave and go to Halcyon for 2.00 wells, you know me, I love the cheap drinks.
After that I got back to Vicci and realized that I was just not having fun nor was I in the mood to go out. IO had been calling me non-stop and so had RT. So I decided to cab it home.
Then all hell broke loose at the Casa Del Santi. Let's just say, if you got, RT, Tracy, Bren, Jaunito, Infamous O, and RayJay things will get a little crazy.
You're damn right about the whole list of peeps at Casa Del Santi!! But dammit, I was way drunk shortly after I hit your place!! Hmm, could it be that Casa Del Santi's is the place to be???!!! I think so!
Sweet-P I really did have a blast!! You are the best host ever!!! Loving you!!
Crazy??? What was so crazy??? Really I can't remember...All I know is I had a great time as per usual at Casa de Santi's!! BB is right, you are one helluva host!!
T - Estelle
I LOVE THAT BAR! You must not have had the long islands cause they are the BEST, from anywhere. Vicci is my sat night spot, best place to dance, by far.
Oh bitch you loved playing dress up with all my accessories, DON'T Fing lie, we have pics to prove it :)
pics what pics?
And I had a Hurricane but it actually tastted like a Tropical Storm.
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