Blues on the Green: The Second
Here's the first BOTG
Connecting the dots.
Yesterday, man yesterday was so exhausting and fun at the same time. First I had to go to this never ending ‘God someone plese shoot me’ training class that my boss thought would be a good thing to send me to. I wanted to send her a memo that said, “Hey the joke wasn’t funny. But do you wanna hear a good one? You’re fat”. Don’t worry I didn’t because I’m loving the new job. That and the new raise.
Woot! Woot! Go me!
Dinner #1 was with the bestfriend who decided to take a sabbatical recently. That went well because you can’t beat McCormick’s and Schmick’s 1.95 Happy Hour.
Jaime and I then went to pick up the Infamous O, and we were off to Blues on the Green. Man oh Man did I want to grab IO and Jaime by their throats. "We can’t sit here, there’s too much sun. Let’s sit here next to the cute boys. No let’s sit here."
I finally gave up and flopped everything down. Then the troops arrived and the irony began to roll.
Ex#2 arrived with Rodrick (Have I mentioned they are boyfriends now? I wanted to slap Ex#2 when I found out but I have to play nice.). Figa also arrived with Ex#2’s bestfriend Vero and Bobby, a mutual friend of all of ours.
Then I had to run all the way across the field to find Emma, Snippy and “Bob”.I finally got to meet Emma’s new beau Panama. He’s cute. Cute in the ‘I just went through puberty and my voice is cracking kind of cute’.
Sean arrived shortly after everyone else did. Drunk as usual and demanding that someone find him some pot. I don't know how many times i've told that boy I don't smoke but he just won't listen.
A common thing last night was “*insert name* I’ve read all about you. That’s Ex#2? Snippy your such a good writer! Sean you're such a lush and a slut! Man, Emma I’ve heard so much about you! “Bob” has nice noobs. Santi is god.
Ok, I made the last one up but still ya get the point.
The concert was great with a few minor interruptions. I pretty much think that everyone had a good time.
The night wasn’t over just yet though. “Bob”, Emma, Snippy and I all wanted a Mexican Martini from Trudy’s. So “Bob” called Mr. Bob so he would meet us. But most importantly so that we could all have a gorgeous man to look at over dinner and drinks.
When we get there we find out that there is a thirty minute wait. Excuse me? Me wait? Never.
Luckily, Luis was there and we just joined his table.
And now I’m at work wishing that I was still on the Zilker lawn listening to some unknown blues playing and loving my friends.
Emma and "Bob" have their own versions of last night. If ya wanna read them you know where to go!
fat+walking=bad idea
I wasn't complaining!
I was nice to everyone
*rolls eyes* Dude he's like 25 and almost done with his masters. Oh and you only thought he was young cause he had a hat on and you couldn't see his receding hair line, lol. Dude he thought you were straight. HAHAHAHAHA
"McCormick’s and Schmick’s 1.95 Happy Hour" is where I try to take first dates... lol.
^That doesn't surprise me. *rolls eyes*
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