Meet Isiah. Last week I decided to go to one of my favoriate spots downtown, 6th and Congress. While I was sipping my coffee and writing, I met this guy, Isiah. He was cute, and we talked for awhile. During this conversation he mentioned that he didn't like to go out all that much, I thought that was attractive, seeing as how I'm not liking the clubs that much lately.
Well we had a date set for Monday, he stood me up.
My roomate on the other hand has been wanting to go out alot lately, so I oblige because she's wanting to go to the gay clubs(don't ask me why, ask her). So last night we decided to go see the Amatuer strip contest, I really didn't want to go because I was depressed(blame the weather and being stood up), but after RT slipped me a few Mickeys, I was more than ready to go.
So there we were watching the strip show, when none other that Isiah comes out in him skimpys(It wasn't very impressive), so not only does he "not go out" but he "doesn't strip". After the show he came up to me and asked my opinion of his stripping, I lied. He later told me to call him, and I informed him that I had deleted his number since he stood me up, he apologized. So I put his number back into my phone, to be polite. When I walked away I deleted his number, he's not worth it.
This city is entirely to small.