Friday, September 02, 2005

A sigh of relief.

I don't normally watch the news, the news enstills fear and if I have to live in a state of fear well life wouldn't be worth living. With that said, I couldn't help but watch the news and read various articles that have been published about the havoc that Hurricane Katrina has caused. The chaos that is going on New Orleans is seriously crazy but I would like to pose the following questions: 1) Is it smart of the media to show how the oil damage that has occured is affecting our society? I mean we live in a world post 9/11 and there on CNN are ariel/satalite shots of where the oil is. I mean that's like shouting at the terrorist "Hey hit us here, where it hurts the most". 2) Isn't it kind of...shall I say it, Biblical that a city known for it's sin is being washed away by a natural disaster? Normally I wouldn't post such harsh views on a subject but I've heard alot of personal accounts of what exactly is going on over there(mostly because of my job) and can't help but become angry and sad. My heart goes out to all of those people suffering and I hope that some sort of normality will return to their lives soon. If you can please donate something, if anything. They need it more than we do right now. RedCross.Org That is all, we will now return to your normally scheduled blogging.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

This 'City of Sin' you miserably attempt to define is not being washed away by a natural disaster. In fact, it's not being washed away at all. Parts of it are indeed flooded - however, the 'sinful' French Quarter is in good condition. So how do you explain your theory now?
The great beautiful city of New Orleans weathered Katrina just fine, that is, until the levees broke long after she had passed. And that O Sanctimonious One is from a political disaster, not a natural one.
It amazes me that you have no problem whatsoever dishing out the judgmental comments - but you and your mentor get your panties in such a serious wad when someone does it to you.

9/02/2005 11:12:00 PM  
Blogger Velvetsaje said...

Ummmm. Who could this person be?

I'm actually not going to waste time to defend myself or my mentor as you so cleverly put it.

Like I've stated before, this is my place to post whatever-the-fuck-I-want-to, and if you don't like it well don't come back and comment.

And I wasn't being judgemental, I was merely posing a question. There is a difference.

Try sitting on the phone and feeling real emotions for the people who are going through this shit and then tell me you can't be affected. Oh wait that would be impossible for someone who has no heart and would rather post without an identity.

save ur bitterness for someone who cares honey, because I don't. And I cannot believe I wasted my time on you.....pfffft.

9/03/2005 11:10:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Can you spell h-y-p-o-c-r-i-t-e?

9/03/2005 05:00:00 PM  
Blogger Velvetsaje said...

no but i know how to spell p-y-s-h-c-o b-i-t-c-h.

9/03/2005 06:41:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

No, actually you don't. It's 'psycho' -- bitch.

9/04/2005 08:04:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

9/05/2005 03:26:00 PM  
Blogger Velvetsaje said...

Im not going to delete these comments b/c they made me laugh. and so what if i mispelled something, atleast I can stand up and let it be known that it's me posting....pfffft..some people.

9/06/2005 02:16:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

take heart sugar. at least you can spell pfffft.

9/06/2005 09:18:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

So rude. Lonely souls having nothing better to do than trade on your creativity and personal reflections, BG. I can't imagine you created your blog to invite personal attacks from cyber-snakes, ever-languishing in the shadows, drunk on an exaggerated moral arrogance that would make even the most ego-fabulous of us blush - but good for you for giving big, mean fathead's a voice anyway.

By my account, having merely posed a couple of random questions about the current goings-on in the news - you get the freakin' inquisition. I would venture to say much deeper issues are afoot here. Hmmmn, ok - given the "sanctimonious...hypocritical...judgemental" hyper-critical concerns of your ever-so-anonymous reader in their comments, I would gather this pleasant individual is suffering from insecurities parading as a good, old-fashioned superiority-complex masking a desperate, suffocating loneliness, overcompensating for a deep-rooted fear of God and/or death and certainly other people's conflicting opinions subsequently driving a hatred and rage that would scare the devil straight out us all (cause someone be needin' Jesus - regardless of what recently did or did not wash away) which is in, ultimately, vain effort to drown out that one, true psychotic (not to be confused with p-y-s-h-c-o...) voice looping round and round in a tortured, anonymous head, second by minute by day by year, simply saying...over and over again...without relent - 'Hey, you're TOO freakin' serious and nobody wants to hear it, honey!' But that's just my guess.

To add insult to injury - there is the correcting of the spelling...really? Really?! Anonymous may have that much right - and please be my guest, but then...if we're passing out grades, what this blog may lack in form it makes up for with likeable, genuine, original personality - all of which anonymous fails, fails, and fails at.

I think anonymous should do their policing elsewhere.

And by the way - speaking strictly for myself, the only time my panties have ever been in a wad - ewww - is when they were next to yo man's bed. Mmmm-hmmmn. Pffffft.


9/07/2005 02:42:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

uh huh...and the queen of denial rants yet again. some deep seated seething rage going on there gurl. thought you were the happy-go-lucky-not-a-care-in-the-world-got-it-wrapped-around-my-finger-mammie??? great role model too. pffft fo sho.

9/07/2005 05:51:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I find it very childish that 1)any individual would come to a person's personal website to make personal attacks towards a person/people they obviously dislike. I mean seriously why waste your time continously hitting refresh waiting for someone to comment on what is obviously a sad and tired arguement. For people who are "adults" you guys are acting very childish. And 2) that one individual(the writer of this blog) is in the crossfires of seriosly childish drama.

~A constant reader.

9/07/2005 07:26:00 PM  
Blogger Velvetsaje said...

ya know what's truly sad?

the fact that no one(myself included) isn't even commenting on the topic I posted.

9/07/2005 07:46:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

hmmhmmhmm. there seems to be a bevy of annonymi here now or else i've been smookin too much. however, didn't you little bitchard (i made that up misef) - say at some point in your blog that 'normally I wouldn't post such harsh views'??? and wouldn't that normally (oh, i forget, that's not a word used around here) elicit yet a harsh response as was noted in the very first comment? blahblahblah pfffftpfffftpffft. i think i'm done. at least for now.

9/07/2005 09:32:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good heavens! I guess people really do read this blog...some of us more vigilantly than others. Ahem.

Apparently I cracked open Pandora's box and out popped all my moral superiors? Who knew. Geez, I'm never allowed to play with the other bitches!

I thought the only interesting response was from "A constant reader". To that I say...any public forum, and this ain't Vanity Fair, is gonna take on a life of its own, sweetheart. To be clear, I will always be on BG's side (aka, velvetsaje) and out of a long history of 'anonymous' slams, this is the first time me and my wadded panties have ever commented on. Obviously in feeling the, albeit, campy need to avenge my blog hostess (you're so pretty), you apparently felt the same need - but certainly there are no innocents here...or you haven't read this site very carefully. While I admire your valor, don't presume to make anyone a victim, otherwise we'll all need a secret handshake to get in and post. My comments were tounge in cheek tempered by ancient pain (the sashay chantey was a dead give away - the backdoor psy eval was designed to call anonymous out, check - and the holy-roller twang was for added spice, makes for better ratings), taking things literally is only gonna cause uneccessary drama. Though I wasn't sure the anonymous poster was who I thought they were until their responses - I have no doubt they understand me just enough to know it's all c-o-m-p-l-e-t-e bullsh#&t....anything otherwise would imply consideration for each other - which is just a plain insult to all our groupies at this point. We've earned the right to own our trainwreck...and wear it out in public occassionally too - maybe not with pride, but resolve none the less. So consider that "constant reader".

Having said that...this has all grown tiresome to me, and - a little...creepy, so I'll set the mentor-ly example by skipping my happy-go-lucky-ass down the road. Love, love, love.

Oh - and to comment on the topic posted (so nobody has to be sad, BG)'s spelled 'aerial', not ariel. ...I'm just keeeeding!!


9/08/2005 09:58:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

SOOOOO much psychotic (not to be confused with p-y-s-h-c-o) babble and soooooo little class.
NOW - back to the blog at hand - a really good charity of choice right now for any animal lovers out there is:

9/08/2005 06:22:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sorry -- that's supposed to be: (what they needed was noah's ark...)

9/08/2005 09:41:00 PM  
Blogger Velvetsaje said...

thank mr/mrs to the noah's ark joke

9/09/2005 10:52:00 AM  

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