The Italian Job, Pt. 2
Sorry again for the delay, things happen.
So like I stated in the previous blog my bestfriend AJ was coming in town for some break dancing event, and I was rather excited about it. Unfortunately,
I ended up spending most of the time with AJ's friend Mel(a hot chinese chick). On Friday I took her to eat at McCormick and Schimdt's with Ex #2 and Adrian, followed by Light Bar, Holcyon, and Sixth Street.
On Saturday Mel and I met Ex#2, Linda, Emma, Davide, and Fija(Ex#2's niece) for lunch at the newly opened Rio Grande Mexican restraunt. Over the course of the meal Emma and Davide really hit it off, I planned the introduction and was glad with the introduction. Sadly, I must say all of us we very disappointed in the food and I doubt we will be going back there ever again. Afterwards, Mel wanted to join AJ, so Emma and I dropped her off and planned to meet up with everyone else at 11:30 at Holcyon for some pre-club drinks. Emma wanted to go see Vallejo play and seeing that I didn't have any other plans, a new band sounded like a good idea.
So Emma and I get to the concert, which was actually called the 'Swamp Romp'(an event that was being held for Katrina victims, a good cause I might add). Well this band was playing, I don't recall their name only that they were from Lafayette, LA. After they ended their set Emma and I quickly rushed to the front of the crowd so we could get a good view of the band. Now this was a good and bad idea because there was this drunk lady, and she immediately started talking to Emma.
"You know that Hurricane your drinking only has 1 percent alcohol?", she says.
Emma looks at her puzzled, and just nods.
Then the lady had the biggest nerve I have ever seen, "Can I have a drink?", she asks. Some people I swear.
Emma says no, and drunky gets all mad and starts giving Emma the evil eye. Luckily the concerted started shortly after and I absolutely loved them. They are a local Austin band and they are amazing. Think of Santana mixed with Aerosmith. I'm so grateful to Emma for introducing me to this band, and I plan to go see them later this month at Scholtz Garden.
Afterwards, Emma and I get to Holcyon and meet up with Linda, Jon, Davide, Ex#2 and Adrian and have our pre-club drinks. Ex#2 has this bartender at Holcyon who likes to make our Rum and Cokes, 1/3 Rum and a dash of Coke, it's nice.
We get to Fabric very late and as usual things got crazy. Emma and Davide really hit it off and I won't get into any details to protect the innocent.

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