Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Good-bye James, you will be missed...kinda.

James Allen was sometimes an asshole to his customers on the phone. James at times would talk at a rate that even Speedy Gonzalez couldn't understand. James for a time had a Texan accent. James hated his job and yet he stuck with it because honestly he was spoiled by the company that he worked for. James was me. He was my pseudonym at work. For 8 hours a day, 40 hours a week, 160 hours a month. I was James and oh my dear god, I fucking hated that asshole. Early on at my (former) job I decided to adopt James as my pseudonym because people really cannot pronounce my real name. And trust me most of the idiots that I spoke with wouldn't even be able to spell two letters of my name correctly. On top of that James became a character that I would portray while at work. Many psychologists would have an issue with this, and honestly I probably wouldn't disagree. That all changed as of 5:28 yesterday. I got canned. Yea, them bitches got rid of a great person who would have benefited the company but you know what I don't blame them in the least. I was the author of my own demise. I ain't going to lie, I did it to myself. Well when life hands you lemons, you get a blender and make magaritas. ...Just kidding. When I walked out of that place, I thought to myself 'you know this may not be so bad after all.' But of course the reality of "OH FUCK I NEED TO FIND A NEW JOB" kicked in. I tried not to freak out and called my family immediately alerting them of the news. I don't know if I've mentioned this before but I have a vast amount of siblings, who are very resourceful. I have a prospective job, that I will find out about tomorrow. I'm crossing my fingers because it involves one of my favorite past times. I found a job for this website. The reason I think I'm good for this job is the following: "Experience Required: -Must have Past Sales Experience(which I do) -Must posesses a knowledge of the Austin GLBT community(Which I have several Networking Connections with) -Must possess a excitment of Austin nightlife and local GLBT community(Hello, my blog)" . That is going to be one of the other 25 prospects if the first option doesn't work. We shall see, but if in like a week I start begging for money. I promise, if you pay me. I blog about whatever the hell you want me to. And trust me I mean ANYTHING. ...And a New Chapter has begun in the TMoM.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey sweet-P!!
That is thee absolute greatest blog from you yet!!!
You WILL go far with this writing..........
......BELIEVE THAT!!!!!


~Bren :-)

5/24/2006 02:10:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I will not miss James...but I'm so happy to have my Santi back.

Now show the world what you're really made of.

5/24/2006 02:52:00 AM  

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