Thursday, February 16, 2006

Willie..wait what?

You know I have loved Willie Nelson for many years now, mostly because he's an Austinite and there are various other reasons that I shall not state on here but I'm sure you get the point. I actually ran into Willie Nelson last year during South by Southwest, surprisingly I was star struck like I normally am. Well I recently found out that Willie released a gay-theme cowboy song called, "Cowboys Are Frequently, Secretly (Fond of Each Other)" (which you can only find on itunes. Here's a small tidbit of the song's lyrics: There’s many a strange impulse out on the plains of West Texas; There’s many a young boy who feels things he can’t comprehend. Well a small town don’t like it when somebody falls between sexes, No, small town don’t like it when a cowboy has feelings for men. Well I believe in my soul that inside every man there’s the feminine, And inside every lady there’s a deep manly voice loud and clear. Well, a cowboy may brag about things that he’s done with his women, But the ones who brag loudest are the ones that are most likely queer. Cowboys are frequently secretly fond of each other, S ay, what do you think all them saddles and boots was about? And there’s many a cowboy who don’t understand the way that he feels for his brother, And inside every cowboy there’s a lady that’d love to slip out. And there’s always somebody who says what the others just whisper, And mostly that someone’s the first one to get shot down dead. So when you talk to a cowboy don’t treat him like he was a sister, You can’t fuck with the lady that’s sleepin’ in each cowboy’s head. Cowboys are frequently secretly fond of each other, What did you think all them saddles and boots was about? And there’s many a cowboy who don’t understand the way that he feels for his brother, Inside every lady there’s a cowboy that wants to slip out. And inside every cowboy there’s a lady that’d love to slip out. On the heels of Brokeback Mountain I want to commend Willie for his valient effort in progressing the gay movement. Even if it's just in a song about cowboys.


Blogger R3dcurlz said...

I listen to a lot of country radio. I'm often annoyed and astounded at how conservative they are. This morning was no exception. Or maybe it was because it was worse. These people, who have loved Willie forever, were calling in upset and disappointed and questioning life. People were so upset they were near tears. And the radio guys were in awe as well.

Seriously, what's wrong with people? How the hell does it ruin your life?

I had to turn the channel.

I haven't heard it yet, but I'm planning to. Willie is even more a fave of mine because of this.

2/16/2006 09:27:00 PM  
Blogger Velvetsaje said...

Honestly people are afraid of what they don't know or choose not to know.

Brokeback and Willie have brought a subject up in their mind that they don't know/refuse to know.

And like most it scares them; the fear of the unknown.

2/17/2006 04:03:00 AM  
Blogger akasha said...

philosophical santi. oxymoron.

there are no spelling errors biatch. you're a bitch. not a biotch or any variation.

good lines by the way. i like the control line.

hmmm.... lines...

2/17/2006 09:34:00 AM  

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