Wednesday, June 29, 2005

Big Brother is watching...

From and various other places" -14 houseguests, 7 teams of two. Each team thinks that they are the only ones going in as a team. If they don't reveal this to anyone and make it to the final two, one person gets a million the other gets 250,000.00. If they spill the beans the prize money will only be the usual 500,000.00 and 50,000.00. There is a hidden bed and the weekly HoH may be able to keep a blog for that interesting. So who are the 14 houseguests? Click the link above to find out. Looks like this is going to be a really good 'Summer of Secrets'


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Sugar Booger..i thought this was funny..I know its long but deal with it.

On ''The Real World,'' after her hometown boyfriend dumps her (or does she dump him?), sex-talkin' Melinda connects with barely walkin' Danny by Annie Barrett

SEXHIBITIONISM Melinda knows how to get the face time

Don't write about Melinda first. Don't do it. Fight the urge.

I can't help it. I really wanted to focus on anything else, because the way these articles usually work is that the episode's central character gets his or her mug right next to this paragraph. Big fat attention junkie Melinda does not deserve this photo, but look at her to your left. There she is. And she's loving the attention. She can't get enough of it. It's like the way she needs sex! Sex I mean, should she start humping the bed or what should she do?

Unfortunately for anyone who found tonight's Melinda, Danny, Jason, and no one else story line a bit obnoxious, there really is no way to justify putting a different photo up there. Danny, I guess, is a possibility, but a pic of his entire pretty face wouldn't do justice to the Phantom of the Boozers costume he's currently rocking. Rachel, Nehemiah, Lacey, and Johanna are automatically disqualified from the photo spot for paying unnecessary lip service to Melinda and Danny's uninteresting ''connection.'' And I literally forgot Wes was even on the show. He said something about a bowling pin near the fridge and that was it. Can we replace Wes with Melinda's now ex, Jason? He's the first character I actually like.

Speaking of which, it's a little unusual for me not to be rooting for any of the housemates thus far. Rachel had me going for a while when she was asking Danny how he'd press charges without the name of the guy who hit him and, later, when she shot back at Mel's ''I've never dumped anyone before'' with ''He dumped you two nights ago.'' Thank you, Rachel. But that barfing sound she uttered after hearing Michael Moore's name was a bit much. She wasn't ''cool with'' seeing dead bodies in Fahrenheit 9/11. Funny, because for everyone else who saw the film, that scene was a rip-roarin' good time. I thought I'd really like Johanna, but it's almost like the editors go out of their ways to make Jo and Neh seem stupid. Lacey (Cey?) is fairly tolerable, but she needs to start clashing with someone fast or her calming presence will either turn really annoying or get completely deleted from the show.

Guess who won't be edited out? Roommates who sleep together! Hours after being about a thrust away from having sex with Danny, Mel turned on the probably fake tears for the phone call in which long-term boyfriend Jason dumped her (''You're writing me off?'' she sputtered), then hopped back into bed with Danny. Wow, that three-year relationship must have been pretty serious! By the way, did anyone else hit pause on Jason's subsequent e-mail? It's pretty lame of me, but I did, and my favorite line was ''I yearn for you so hard.'' Actually, I wouldn't put it past Mel to have written this message to herself just for the camera time. Maybe there isn't even a Jason and she paid off a random, relatively unattractive acquaintance to pose for a ''relationship photo'' and then keep calling her up in television land while pretending to be belligerently hammered. I think I should officially investigate this. If only I knew whom to press charges against….

Okay, I'll admit the episode wasn't all about the loves of the blonde. The roommates got their job assignment a little quicker than usual. Maybe the producers didn't feel like springing for more reconstructive surgeries brought on by too much free time for the alcoholic kiddies. The lead-up to the job reveal was actually pretty great. First Lacey, the supposed non-stereotype, worried that her job would be ''some sort of stereotypical Texan thing.'' Ouch. Then after Wes' big manual-labor scare, the group was deposited in front of a huge warehouse. I so wanted there to be animals inside, or a fertilizer factory with some sort of depression-inducing assembly line, but instead there sat independent filmmaker John Pierson. I'm personally really glad Nehemiah explained in voice-over what the hell was going on: ''I see a man on a big director's chair and I know automatically that we have something to do with film.'' Oh, I got it now. Thanks, Neh.

His wild theory was correct: The seven strangers have five months to make a 15-minute documentary about the South by Southwest (SXSW) music and film festival, which is something Lacey would ''probably go to'' even if it wasn't for work. Was that supposed to make her sound hip? Coworkers include University of Texas prof Paul Stekler, a femme-looking guy named P.J., and a butch-looking woman named Jenn who I have a sneaking suspicion has been planted with specific instructions to seduce the 23-year-old short-haired beer-drinkin' virgin from Florida. Now that would be interesting. Unless, you know, Melinda wanted to go grocery shopping, or drink some water, or sit in a chair. We wouldn't want to miss out on any valuable footage of her.

Honestly, if it's just Danny and Mel boning the whole time, I'm not sure how much more I'll be able to handle. To be fair, though, the pair are perfect for each other. As Rachel put it, when the bandaged-up Bostonian ''feels ugly, he doesn't feel like he deserves her.'' I love how the strength of the pretty people's connection depends on whether each one is able to be extremely good-looking on a given day. Then there was Danny's gem to Mel: ''You are way too adorable to have somebody make you cry.'' Yes. These two should definitely get together and breed some more ridiculously attractive total idiots. It's a match made in heaven, or at least superficially concocted by MTV.

Good news, though: Danny seemed not so into Mel by the end, even when she was draping her toweled (how? why?) body over him. ''I think you need to figure out what you want, '' he told her. ''Take some time.''

''I already know what I want,'' she replied. ''I've grown so much from being out here. I don't want time off from you, because I don't need time off from you. Like, if I can have you, I would be so happy.''

Easy there, Melinda! Danny never said anything about a relationship! ''I think the smaht thing to do in the situation,'' he replied, thinking quickly, ''is to take it as it comes.''

Good one, Danny. Now head off with Melinda for some typically ambiguous Real World are-they-doing-it? action (lights on, but under the covers). Oh, and just a reminder: You have a broken bone in your face!

What do you think? Will Mel and Danny last? Was the resolution of the Danny-Nehemiah conflict just not eventful enough to air? And which cast members really deserve some screen time?

6/29/2005 06:43:00 PM  
Blogger Velvetsaje said...

Suga boog...

I should just give u my screen name and password and let u post that, it was absolutely hilarious.

Poor Patch Adams aka Danny

6/30/2005 10:27:00 AM  

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