Monday, July 10, 2006

The return of the Ex.

You should probably read the entire, "A tale of two exes" Saga first. Click here and scroll down. It's long and dramatic and well I really don't want to rehash it. As you well know Ex#2 and I are really good friends and have been for a very long time. On Friday he let me know that Ex#1 was in town and of course I was like, "Let's go wreak havoc and piss him off". Jokingly, of course. We didn't and I didn't think I was going to see him. Man was I wrong. I went to RCC last night with Ex#2, Rodrick, Figa, Adrian and Brandon met us there. Immediately when I got to the bar, who do I see? Lance Armstrong. Ok, Yea-fucking-right I saw Lance. Man if I saw him do you know what I would do? Ok, nevermind you don't wanna know what I would do that man. So Ex#1 is all shocked to see me, and I'm shocked that he's shocked. He asks how I've been and I'm like, "fuck off asshole". Ok, I didn't I was like, "I'm good, we'll talk in a second and I need to get a drink first because I have a feeling I'm going to be talking to you for awhile." I get my drink and when I'm walking away my stalker asks me if I want another one. I contemplate it and wonder if a drink is really worth 6000 phone calls. Do you know what I did? Of course you know what I did, I took the drink and ran! As I'm walking over to Ex#1 my heart begins beating faster and faster. What am I going to say? Am I going to activate The Bitch Switch? Am I going to use this new drink as a weapon? When I got to him, the words well they just weren't coming to me. So I hug him instead and we begin talking. We haven't talked in over a year so there was alot to be said. I talked about my exit from the previous job and how I just love my new job and that I'm still-fucking-single. Then things got a little more interesting. I started talking about my old roomate Chase and the bad months I had because of my old job and now I'm doing a whole lot better and he just looks at me with those eyes. Those eyes that made me fall in love with him, the ones that made me trust him again, the ones and that stabbed me in the fucking heart. He goes, "Even after all this time I still read right through you" I'm like "Excuse me?" and not excuse in the ' I didn't hear you', it was the excuse me 'Oh no you just didn't bitch'. He responds with, "You say your doing fine and you're happy but I can tell that inside you really not satisfied or content with the way things are. Nice save. So then we continue going into this downhill of emotions conversation about me and him. The past, the tale of two exes saga, how I felt betrayed by him, by the fact that I don't trust myself around him. Mind you he keeps buying me drinks and you can ask Emma. I talk ALOT when I'm drinking, I mean A WHOLE LOT. Like 30 times more than I do when I'm sober and when I'm sober I still talk ALOT. So it was all just pouring out, and he was pouring shit out too and then Ex#2 comes up to us with Rodrick and I lean over to his ear and say, "Get me away from him, I can't talk to him especially under these circumstances" The asshole fucker fuckface goes, "Santi, you need to do this one on your own" And I did for the most part. So there you are ladies and gentlemen, Ex#1 and I are now on speaking terms again. The love of my life is back in the picture and that's a scary thing. Luckily he lives 5 hours away and I have no reason or inclination to re-ignite anything. Which I'm sure he doesn't either but still, we are speaking again...I think. I emailed him today so we shall see. Oh and Gudpackage: Yes there is a god and his name is Me. ;-)


Blogger Emma said...

Bad idea, you know grabbing that drink. At least it didn't turn into drama, watch out, that guy sounds like bad news. :)

7/11/2006 09:05:00 AM  
Blogger Velvetsaje said...

He is bad news with a capital B-A-D

7/11/2006 10:22:00 AM  
Blogger Velvetsaje said...

im not seeking drama trust me

7/11/2006 12:39:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Drama is good, you know it... well as long as one is not in it. Lol.
I've only had one ex.... and everytime we talk/see each other we end up being mean to each udder and then still make up afterwards.

ps: Emma is a hottie, Gud!

7/12/2006 08:22:00 AM  
Blogger Emma said...

Thanks guys!

7/12/2006 12:23:00 PM  

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