Thursday, January 19, 2006

The Real World: Key West

After being disapointed with a very lackluster season of the Real World: Austin(also known as the "Danny and Melinda Show"). My faith in my favoriate reality show has been restored with the Gauntlet 2: Veterans vs. Rookies because there is some drama on there!! First, Jo from San Fransico went all banana ape shit and called the cops so she could be escorted out of the house, then people quit and started fighting. Now recently one of my favoriates Ruthie was beat in the Gauntlet by the evil Beth. This is getting good, but let's get to the point here. The new Real World is set to start in Febuary and let me tell you, there is gonna be some drama, and a few hurricanes. This new cast is hot(especially Tyler, the gay one) Enjoy! The Real World: Key West


Blogger Marcellas said...

Excuse me! Beth is not evil. She's a lovely girl. And my friend! Don't make me scratch your eyes out! ;)

There's a hottie on the new Real World. Cute butt. Can't wait for the season to kick in!


1/22/2006 08:22:00 AM  

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