Saturday, January 15, 2005

God thinks he's funny, and other stuff...

So a month ago I lost my ID, and I thought that I had left it at work or something cause sometimes when we forget our badges, we have to give security our IDs, well I thought that the jerk security guy just kept my ID or something. I had a thousand conspiracy theories as to where my ID actually was, but I never went to get a new one. Then I realized that I need my ID for next week when I go back to my other job. So of course I finally went to get a new ID and this morning I woke up and for some odd bizzare reason the chest near my bed is moved, and low and behold there is my ID. I have been IDless now for a month which is very inconvenient at times and the day after I get a new ID, I find my old one. okay God, I got the're really funny.(I'm sure Luis is gonna love this, since he looks like me and now he gets a new fake ID!) Jaime's birthday was a fun filled evening that began with wine in the after noon and then Austin Park and Pizza. I think all the time we spent waiting for the go carts and playing putt putt got me sick, cause I feel like crap today. Not in the "hungover" type of way but in the, I don't want to think, I just want to sleep cause my body aches type of way. (and I know what your saying "Austin Park and Pizza??!?! Are you like 16??!?" But the truth is Jaime just turned 24 and he wanted to be a kid again, so we there..nah nah nah) Afterwards Ralph and I met Javier, Bob, Raj, and Will at Charlie's. As soon as we got there, we did what we always do, set up a home base. We decided that the best place for us was near the stairs because there was a table right there and of course we wouldn't be in people's way. I was pretty out of it, which is unusual for me cause on dollar drink night, I usually take full advantage but last night I had 3 beers and I was done. I don't know if I started getting sick from hauling ass in the go carts earlier or what but I felt like shit. That and the people there were just getting on my nerves, one thing I hate more than anything is for some Random to grab my ass as I'm walking by mostly because I don't have an ass and more importantly because it's rude. Well this guy kept doing it and I after awhile I had enough of it. So I grabbed his hand and told him "You know what you're doing isn't cute."(why I said cute I don't know) and he responded "Well you are" and I just looked at him and matter of factly responded with "And you're not". Of course this pissed him off and I probably lowered his self esteem to a level lower than it probably already was(he wasn't even near to being cute). Later I started to lighten up a little more and danced with the boys which was fun, since I haven't seen Javier since he went home to El Paso a week before Christmas(we used to see each other every day), and Will and Raj are always fun and for once Will wasn't being a bitch(which isn't normal for him). Bob was a blast as usual, and I'm looking forward to the rest of this weekend and most importantly tonight, where I will kick some ass in a game of Mario Party(again you're are probably saying "are you 16!?!?", but until you've played it, don't judge me). Also, another story: Ok so when Ralph and I were dating my friend Adrian was dating Crazy, and trust me the name fits perfectly. Well awhile back Crazy and a co-worker of mine A-Lu became friends or had something fucked up type thing going on, and I warned A-Lu that Crazy was well crazy. Did he listen? No. Which is dumb but I guess now he will learn to listen to me because after about 5 months of being friends with Crazy, A-Lu realized that Crazy was a fucking pyscho. Good for him, now if only I could get Crazy to stop talking to me and pretending that we are friends. And why do Luis and Adrain keep insisting that Ralph and I get back together?


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