Wednesday, January 12, 2005


I just had to get this out cause it's been bothering the crap out of here it goes: Dear J, I remember when I first met you, I honestly thought you were this bitchy little queen and that kept me at a distance for quite sometime. I also remember most of the night when I stole your glasses and your flirting was so blatanly obvious, but I ignored it because I still thought of you as some bitchy little queen. Then things started changing after seeing you out more and more. I saw how cute you really were and I saw a little bit more of your personality come out. Then there was that infamous sunday night when I went back to your house. Now some of my friends were surprised by this action because I never do things like that, others weren't quite surprised and I'm still getting shit for it, but that's besides the point. That night we talked for some time and even though I was under a heavy influence of alcohol I remember alot of it, especially that part when you told me not to hurt you(I had no plans to by the way). The next day I realized that all of my preconcived notions of you were wrong and I remember feeling so happy that I had gone home with you and allowed myself a chance to get to know you(even though nothing happened). I remember calling you the following friday, and you telling me that you always get what you want, you were right cause you had me, and it's been a long time since someone has had me that quickly. That Friday night was another great night with you and I was looking forward to many more, but you got busy because school was out and you had so much to do. Apparently I didn't fit into all of that, so I was easily disgarded, that's cool no hard feelings. I just wish I knew what you were thinking and why you could just drop me that quickly, without any warning. I heard from a friend this weekend that the timing wasn't right. Again, that's cool, but I wish I would have known that, so maybe atleast I wouldn't feel like the fool that I do now. I honestly hope that you didn't have any bad intentions but who knows, I haven't talked to you in forever and this crap is bothering me. Maybe one of these days when you aren't busy, you can give me an explanation. Maybe you won't and that's cool too, I can just put you in the 'boys that didn't matter' category, and trust me that isn't a place I thought you would be, but that's how this silly gay austin world spins, and I just have to live in it. Hope all is well.


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