Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Degrassi...It goes there.

Marcellas wrote about this show called Degrassi. I saw it last night with Granny Bren(*wink*) and my little sister. My little sister went off on this tangent about so and so doing this and I was like damn! Degrassi does go there. Here is Marcellas take on the show: So I am this crazy fan of Degrassi: The Next Generation. Yeah, I know I'm staring down 75. And yeah, I know it's a kid show. I'm aware me watching Degrassi is the equivalent of a high-schooler watching Barney but I love it. Over Holiday I watched the Degrassi Weekend Marathon and I am hooked. When I die and come back, I wanna be Emma. (Who after having a gun pointed at her and almost being shot, went bad and started giving blow jobs down @ the Van, where the bad kids hang. She got gonorrhea from local hood Jay. Don't worry, a bit of therapy and penicillin and she is as good as new.) She's the prettiest girl in school in my opinion... click here to read more.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I kind of felt young again, well, for like an hour, then it was back to reality for me!! The show is good tho', if ya need some teenage drama in your life, which makes you think your life is so damn perfect in that moment!!! :-)
Yeah the sis sure knows her shit!!


7/18/2006 05:17:00 PM  

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