Sunday, March 13, 2005


I love it when nights go completely unplanned but yet seem to be the best thing that could have ever happened. Jenny called last night and wanted to hang out, she had Stephen King's The Stand with her and that's one of my all time favoriate movies. So I invited her over, later in the night RT and Shaniqua came over and we began a game of fours(or Foursies, as Jenny calls it). The basic concept is this. Each person has 4 cards dealt face down, you cannot look at or touch these cards until you reach them. Four more cards are then dealt face up, which you can trade with the next hand of four which is also placed faced down. The dealer then flips over a card which will be the base for that round. There are also three cards placed face down that the first three players pick up after their turn. Now here's where the strategy comes into play. There are 3 cards with Special powers that can help you in the game. 2-brings all cards back to zero and whatever card played next is the new base. 8-Reverses the order from counter clock wise to clockwise and vice versa. 10-Clears all cards, to a scrap pile. The object is to get rid of all of your cards before everyone else does, if you can't beat a card that was just played, you have to take the pile and start from there to try and get to zero. We played a total of 21 games(8 I won, 5 RT won, 4 Shaniqua won, and 4 Jenny won). The bitches tried to align against me, MEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE. The queen of strategy....he he its a good thing I taught them a lesson.


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